Thursday, August 30, 2007

30 August 2007, Orcalab reports

No orcas present.

Good morning. We've heard no calls since just after midnight, when we think the A30s were passing the rubbing beaches, heading east. This means that all the A, G, & R clan groups here yesterday are probably still somewhere to the east of us.
30 Aug 2007 05:50:41 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The A30s are certainly holding down the middle. The A36s, I15s and I31s did go out Weynton and the A30s moved toward the CP area just ahead of the Rs coming up from the east along the Vancouver Island shore. Nick Templeman reports that at 11am the A12s, A4s and A5s were also westbound (isn't everyone?) off Kelsey Bay.
30 Aug 2007 11:42:59 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The Rs, following the A30s, are travelling west past the entrance to Blackney Pass on the Vancouver Island side.
30 Aug 2007 12:58:38 PDT

Orcas near mics.

As the A30s head back eastward (past Kaikash), the Rs (R5s,R17s,R2s and possibly R7s) are carrying on to the west through Pearse Passage. The others, the A36s, I15s and I31s are still westbound in Queen Charlotte Strait. The tide however, is in full flood and it is a big one. Only the A30s are going with the tide.
30 Aug 2007 15:01:59 PDT


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