Thursday, August 11, 2005

11 August Orcalab reports:

02:21 PDT Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.
The big group of the whales are slowly going east. A4s are at the Rubbing beach.

03:03 PDT Superb sounds!!
The Rs are back in the Bight.

04:38 PDT Superb sounds!!
We are listening to the Rs on CP hydrophone...Sounds like they're leaving here already. The A12s are with them.

06:54 PDT No calls but orcas nearby
What a night! The Rs have gone quieter now after retreating back to Johnstone Strait after briefly entering part way into Blackney Pass. We believe the A4s and the A5s and possibly the Cs continued to the east around 2am. We are sure there was a lot of movement during the night and it was a treat to hear the rare R visitors.

10:18 PDT No orcas present.
We have figured out some of the whale activity from the night based on additional reports from the boats this morning. Groups have turned up to the west & east of us. The A4s/A5s and Cs probably went east as we thought. It seems like the A12s have joined them after seeing the Rs off to the west. Most of the Rs are not that far away at the moment but just out of range of the hydrophone network. They were located in the fog just to the west of Hanson Island, off Weynton Passage about an hour ago. They (the R5s & Ws) appear to be continuing west.

12:54 PDT No orcas present.
Further to the last note the Rs & Ws passed the Pearse Reefs and headed for Donegal Head. They are now travelling west (with the tide) in Queen Charlotte Strait. The tide turns in two hours.

17:13 PDT No calls but orcas nearby
There is a large group of transients heading into the Strait after passing Alert Bay a while earlier. The Rs and Ws continued to the west.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

10 August Orcalab reports

16:40 PDT No calls but orcas nearby
Lots happening! the A12s turned off big bay and are now headed across to the Vancouver Island shore. A group of transient orcas have come out of Knight Inlet and are headed toward Donegal Head. And finally, the very BIG group which was seen earlier in the day is still far to the west of the "core area". Some of the groups have broken off and moved away while another group remains off the Port Hardy airport and is still eastbound. There is not yet a complete description of who has been positively sighted but it may include A4s, A5s along with Cs.

21:29 PDT Multiple pod calls audible.
If you are watching Channel A you will have realised that a silent group came through Blackney and are passing CP. For us at the Lab the whales were on the far side in fading light but we think that the A4s and A5s were in the two groups which passed. While they were entering the last part of Blackney, just before entering the Strait, we began to hear R clan calls on Flower Island. There is currently a large boat in Blackfish which is drowning the calls. This could soon be very exciting!

21:58 PDT Multiple pod calls audible.
The Rs, who are very vocal are still in Blackfish Sound, close to the Flower Island hydrophone. Ahead of them, the C10s, A5s, &A4s are already in Johnstone Strait, heading east.

22:53 PDT Multiple pod calls audible.
Everyone is momentarily quiet BUT the Rs are negotiating the last part of Blackney while the A12s,A4s, A5s and Cs are passing Critical Point. Strange how they all fell silent at the same time!

23:37 PDT Superb sounds!!
The Rs have made it to the Strait and the Cs,&As have continued eastward past the Reserve.